- Artículos científicos publicados
- Involvement of metalloproteinase and nitric oxide synthase/nitric oxide mechanisms in early decidual angiogenesis–vascularization of normal and experimental pathological mouse placenta related to maternal alcohol exposure. Gualdoni GS, Barril C, Jacobo PV, Pacheco Rodríguez LN and Cebral E. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 11:1207671. 2023.doi: 10.3389/fcell.2023.1207671.
- Abnormal growth and morphogenesis of placenta at term is linked to adverse fetal development after perigestational alcohol consumption up to early gestation in mouse. Gisela S. Gualdoni, Leticia Pérez-Tito, Camila Barril, Cristian Sobarzo, Elisa Cebral. Birth Defects Research, 1-20. 2022. http://doi.org/10.1002/bdr2.
2063. - Early abnormal placentation and evidence of vascular endothelial growth factor system dysregulation at the feto-maternal interface after periconceptional alcohol consumption. Gualdoni GS, Jacobo PV, Barril C, Ventureira MR and Cebral E. Frontiers in Physiology (Front. Physiol.) 12:815760. 2022. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2021.815760.
- Comparative matrix metalloproteinase-2 and -9 expression and activity during endotheliochorial and hemochorial trophoblastic invasiveness.Gisela Gualdoni, Gimena Gomez Castro, Rocío Hernández, Claudio Barbeito and Elisa Cebral. Review. Tissue and Cell, 74: 101698. 2022. DOI. 10.1016/j.tice.2021.101698.
- El consumo semicrónico moderado de alcohol altera la foliculogénesis y la calidad núcleo-citoplasmática oocitaria, en el ratón. Gisela Soledad Gualdoni, Camila Barril, Patricia Jacobo, Elisa Cebral. Acta Toxicológica Argentina (Acta Toxicol. Argent.), 29 (2): 51-66. 2021.
- “3D modelling of Mammalian Embryos and Organs”. Silvia Garagna, Elisa Cebral, Juan Aréchaga, Maurizio Zuccotti. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 22, 2021. https://doi.org/10.3389/fcell.
2021.763008. - Perigestational alcohol consumption induces altered early placentation and organogenic embryo growth restriction by disruption of trophoblast angiogenic factors. Gualdoni G.S., Ventureira M.R., Coll T.A, Palomino W.A, Barbeito C.G., Cebral E. Reproductive BioMedicine Online, 42(3): 481-504. 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2020.10.015.
- Decidual vascularization in organogenesis after perigestational alcohol ingestion. Martín Ricardo Ventureira, Cristian Sobarzo, F. Argandoña, Wilder A. Palomino, Claudio Barbeito, Elisa Cebral. Reproduction. 158: 109-122, 2019. doi: 10.1530/REP-18-0230.
- Murine sperm capacitation, oocyte penetration and decondensation following moderate alcohol intake. Sanchez M, Fontana VA, Galotto C, Cambiasso M, Sobarzo C, Calvo L, Calvo JC, Cebral E. Reproduction. 155 (6): 529-541. 2018. doi: 10.1530/REP-17-0507.
- Cellular and molecular oxidative stress-related effects in uterine myometrial and trophoblast-decidual tissues after perigestational alcohol intake up to early mouse organogenesis. Coll, T.A; Chaufan, G; Pérez Tito, L.G.; Ventureira, M.R.; Ríos de Molina, M.C.; Cebral, E. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. 440 (1-2): 89-104. 2018. doi: 10.1007/s11010-017-3158-y.
- Oxidative stress and cellular and tissue damage in organogenic outbred mouse embryos after moderate perigestational alcohol intake. Coll, T.A.; Chaufan, G.; Pérez Tito, L.G.; Ventureira, M.R.; Sobarzo, CMA., Ríos de Molina, M.C.; Cebral, E. Molecular Reproduction and Development. 84 (10):1086-1099. 2017. doi: 10.1002/mrd.22865.
- El papel de la morfología oocitaria en la determinación de la competencia embrionaria temprana. Elisa Cebral. Número especial sobre «Bases Morfológicas de la Reproducción en Vertebrados». Revista de Ciencias Morfológicas, Vol. 18 (1): 42-67. 2016.
- Differential expression and activity of matrix metalloproteinases 2 and 9 in canine early placenta. Diessler M, Ventureira M, Hernández R, Sobarzo C, Casas L, Barbeito C and Cebral E. Reproduction in Domestic Animal, 11: 1-9. 2016. doi:10.1111/rda.12791.
- Libros
Libros completos
- 3D MODELLING OF MAMMALIAN EMBRYOS AND ORGANS. Garagna, S., Aréchaga, J., Cebral, E., Zuccotti, M., eds. (2021). Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, November 2021. Vol 9. 188 paginas. Frontiers Media SA. doi: 10.3389/978-2-88971-607-4.|ISSN 1664-8714-ISBN 978-2-88971-607-4.
Parte de Libros
- Early Abnormal Placentation and Evidence of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor System Dysregulation at the Feto-Maternal Interface After Periconceptional Alcohol Consumption. Gualdoni GS, Jacobo PV, Barril C, Ventureira MR and Cebral E. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2021.815760. En: “Vascular Dysfunction Beyond Pathological Pregnancies. An International Effort Addressed to Fill the Gaps in Latin America”. Escudero, C. A., Giachini, F. R., Galaviz-Hernandez, C., Damiano, A. E., eds. (2022). Frontiers in Physiology, Volume II. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA. doi: 10.3389/978-2-83250-208-2
- Artículos de Divulgación científica
- 2011. “El alcohol, nocivo cerca de la gestación”. Artículo Ciencia/Salud, La Nación, 28/03/2011. Elisa Cebral y Marta D. Mudry. Publicado en edición impresa por Gabriel Stekolschik para LA NACION.
- 2013. “Embarazo y alcohol: La ley seca”. noticias.exactas.uba.ar (Ed.Gabriel Stekolschik).02/12/2013. . 2014. “Alcoholismo fetal”. “El Cable”, Subsecretaria de Comunicación, FCEN-UBA. 9 de abril 2014 Nro: 838, pag. 6.
- 2018. “Alcohol y embarazo: La responsabilidad de los machos”. Nex.ciencia (Ed. Gabriel Stekolschik). 24 de septiembre de 2018- http://nexciencia.exactas.uba.ar/alcohol-embarazo-salud-reproductiva-fertilidad-gestacion-reproduccion-elisa-cebral
- 2019. Alcohol y embarazo “Un mal trago”. Nexciencia (Ed. Cecilia Draghi). 10/07/2019. https://nexciencia.exactas.uba.ar/alcohol-embarazo-alcoholismo-fetal-elisa-cebral-martin-ventureira
- 2021. Alcohol y embarazo: “Bebé con daños”. «NEX ciencia». (Ed. Cecilia Draghi). noticias_exactas@nullde.fcen.uba.ar, https://nexciencia.exactas.uba.ar/consumo-alcohol-embarazo-retraso-fetal-malformaciones-alteraciones-placentarias-elisa-cebral. Publicado: 1 de jul. de 2021.