

  • MUTTI LD, STUMPF L, PAOLUCCI M, LÓPEZ GRECO LS. 2024. Diet impact on the reproductive characters of male red claw Cherax quadricarintus during the juvenile-adult transition. Animal Feed Science and Technology. En prensa
  • LI M, GHONIMY A, CHEN D-Q, LI J, HE Y, LÓPEZ GRECO LS, DYZENCHAUZ F, CHANG Z-Q. 2024. Analysis of the gut microbiota of Pacific white shrimp under industrial indoor farming system. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 108:225.


  • CASARETTO ME, STUMPF L, AZCUY R, LÓPEZ GRECO LS, COLOMBATTO D. 2023. Also in crayfish: How phytase inclusion avoid phytic acid effects on hepatopancreas enzymes of redclaw Cherax quadricarinatus . Aquaculture Research Article ID 4341218, 10 pages
  • SOAUDY MR, GHONIMY A, LÓPEZ GRECO LS, CHEN Z, DYZENCHAUZ A, JIAN L. 2023. Total suspended solids and their impact in a biofloc system: current and potentially new management strategies. En prensa, Aquaculture.
  • SACRISTÁN HJ, DI SALVATORE P, FLORENTÍN O, GOWLAND-SAINZ M, LÓPEZ GRECO LS, LOVRICH GA. 2023. Examination of female energy dynamics and larval quality in the southern king crab, Lithodes santolla: annual and interannual variability. Aquaculture 576.
  • KOUSSOVI G, HOUSSOU AM, DIMAS AOD, NIASS F, BONOU CA, LÓPEZ GRECO LS, MONTCHOWUI E. 2023. Yolk resorption and larval development in the brackish river prawn Macrobrachium macrobrachion under laboratory conditions: perspectives for aquaculture. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society. En prensa DOI: 10.1111/jwas.13015.
  • ZANITTI M, MEDESANI DA, RODRÍGUEZ EM, LÓPEZ GRECO LS. 2023. Long-term exposure of the red cherry shrimp Neocaridina davidi to diclofenac: impact on survival, growth, and reproductive potential. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 85: 181-190.
  • AZARM-KARNAGH S, LÓPEZ GRECO LS, SHAFIEI SABET S. 2023. Annoying noise: effect of anthropogenic underwater noise on the movement and feeding performance in the red cherry shrimp, Neocaridina davidi. Frontiers
  • in Ecology and Evolution, section Behavioral and Evolutionary Ecology. En prensa. Front. Ecol. Evol. 11:1091314. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2023.1091314
  • GHONIMY A, LÓPEZ GRECO LS, LI J, WADE NM. 2023. An hypothesis on crustacean pigmentation metabolism: L-carnitine and nuclear hormone receptors as limiting factors. Crustaceana 96 (10) 939-956. DOI: 10.1163/15685403-bja10331
  • PIFERRER, F. FELIP, A., SAAVEDRA, C., ROTLLANT, G., YUFERA, M., PEREZ SANCHEZ, J., FERNANDEZ, J., VALDEBENITO, I., RODRÍGUEZ- FORERO, A., FERNANDES, B., LÓPEZ GRECO, L., ROSAS, C., LAZO, J.P., VILLAMIL, L. 2023. Recomendaciones para la gestión de los recursos acuáticos en Latinoamérica y el Caribe. Agencia Española de Cooperación
    Internacional para el Desarrollo; Centro de Formación de La Antigua, Guatemala. 60 páginas. Accesible a través de:
  • GONZALEZ-DUBOX MC, SOFIA CORDOBA-GIRONDE, LÓPEZ GRECO LS, TOMBARI AD. 2023.   Morfologia de la sagitta, lapillus y asteriscus de Genidens barbus de distribucion patagónica. Marine and Fishery Sciences 36(1) 2023.


  • LÓPEZ GRECO LS, STUMPF L, TIMPANARO S, REBAGLIATI CID A, LAMBERTI M, BATTISTA A, TOMAS AL, JONES CM. 2022. Impact of low-cost diets on maturation of the red claw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus: an integrative approach during a long-term study. Aquaculture 561,
  • MARCIANO A, DELEVATI COLPO K, BOY CC, LÓPEZ GRECO L.S. 2022. Energy dynamics and reproductive performance of females of a fiddler crab by using the capital and income breeding strategies. Zoology.En prensa.
  • TOMBARI AD, GONZÁLEZ DUBOX MC, LÓPEZ GRECO LS. 2022. Primer registro de un depredador natural del bagre marino, Genidens barbus, (Ariidae, Siluriformes) en el estuario del río Negro, Río Negro, Patagonia Argentina. Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia (,
  • GONZALEZ-DUBOX MC, SOFIA CORDOBA-GIRONDE, LÓPEZ GRECO LS, TOMBARI AD. 2023.   Morfologia de la sagitta, lapillus y asteriscus de Genidens barbus de distribucion patagónica. Marine and Fishery Sciences En prensa. 36(1) 2023.
  • RODRIGUES MM, LÓPEZ GRECO LS, FERREIRA DE ALMEIDA LC, BERTINI G. 2022. Histological and histochemical dynamism of the oogenesis in the cinnamon river prawn Macrobrachium acanthurus (Caridea: Palaemonidae) induced by eyestalk ablation. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias (Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences) – En prensa 06/04/22
  • GONZALEZ PISANI X, STURLA LLOMPRE J, PIRES A, LÓPEZ GRECO L.S. 2022. Plastics in scene: a review of the effect of plastics in aquatic crustaceans.
    Environmental Research
  • RAVALLI C, FIRPO C, LÓPEZ GRECO LS. 2022. Dinámica temporal de la distribución y  abundancia de Munida en el Golfo San Jorge: evaluación de largo plazo de sus morfotipos. Informe de investigación INIDEP Nº49/2022, 28pp.
  • WATANABE TT, LÓPEZ GRECO LS, DE OLIVEIRA MA, ZARA FJ. 2022. Seminal fluid and spermatophore production in a Western Atlantic invasive swimming crab, Charybdis hellerii, reveals a different pattern to Portunoidea. Arthropod Structure and Development 66, 101137.
  • TROPEA C, MARCIANO A, LÓPEZ GRECO LS. 2022. Brothers are better than nothing: first report of incestuous mating and inbreeding depression in a freshwater decapod crustacean. Zoology. 151, DOI: 10.1016/j.zool.2021.125990
  • LÓPEZ GRECO LS, PANTALEAO JAF, TOMAS AL, BAUER R. 2022. Neocaridina davidi: una especie de interés ornamental y un modelo animal de alta plasticidad biológica con múltiples aplicaciones. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina, Especialización en Pesca y Producción Acuícola, FCV-UBA 2022. Libro digital, PDF. ISBN 978-987-88-1834-4
  • MARCIANO A, LÓPEZ GRECO LS, COLPO KD. 2022. Factors modulating the female reproductive performance of the fiddler crab Leptuca uruguayensis with short reproductive season. The Biological Bulletin 242 (1)DOI 10.1086/718263
  • VAZQUEZ ND, SGANGA DE, LÓPEZ GRECO LS. 2022. Effect of different substrates on growth and biochemical composition in the ornamental caridean shrimp, “red cherry” Neocaridina davidi (Atyidae). Aquaculture Research DOI:10.1111/are.15812.
  • GARCÍA BENTO MA, LÓPEZ GRECO LS, MANTELATTO FLM, ZARA F. 2022. From copula to fertilization: The reproduction of primitive crab Hypoconcha parasitica (Linnaeus, 1763) (Podotremata: Dromiidae). The Anatomical Record, 1–13. https:// 


  • GONZALEZ PISANI X, LÓPEZ GRECO LS. 2021. Modulating effect of temperature on spatial distribution of adult females, and embryonic development in two species of spider crabs (Majoidea). Zoology 148 (125949). org/10.1016/j.zool.2021.125949
  • MARCIANO A, LÓPEZ GRECO LS, COLPO K. 2021. Reproductive patterns and energy management strategies of fiddler crabs with short reproductive seasons. Leptuca uruguayensis as model. Aceptado para su publicación a la revista Canadian Journal of Zoology 99: 149–159 (2021)
  • RODRIGUES MM, LÓPEZ GRECO LS, FERREIRA DE ALMEIDA LC, BERTINI G. 2021. Reproductive performance of Macrobrachium acanthurus (Crustacea, Palaemonidae) females subjected to unilateral eyestalk ablation. Acta Zoologica
  • RAVALLI C, FARIAS N, FIRPO C, LÓPEZ GRECO LS. 2021. Madurez sexual morfométrica de los morfotipos de Munida gregaria en el Golfo San Jorge. Informe de Investigación Nro.063 del 17/09/2021, 21 p.


  • LÓPEZ GRECO 2020. DEVELOPMENT AND DIFFERENTIATION OF THE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM. Chapter 9: 181-196 En: Neohelice granulata, a Model Species for Studies on Crustaceans. Volume II, Anatomy and Physiology (Rodríguez, E.M. y Luppi, T.A., Eds.). Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN (13): 978-1-5275-5004-9, 395 pp.
  • RORIGUEZ EM, MEDESANI DA, LÓPEZ GRECO LS. 2020. ENDOCRINE DISRUPTION BY POLLUTANTS AND EFFECTS ON PROGENY. Chapter 16: 337-353. En: Neohelice granulata, a Model Species for Studies on Crustaceans. Volume II, Anatomy and Physiology (Rodríguez, E.M. y Luppi, T.A., Eds.). Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN (13): 978-1-5275-5004-9, 395 pp.
  • GONZALEZ PISANI X, LÓPEZ GRECO LS. 2020. Male competition tactics to ensure paternity: mate guarding behavior and the role of the secondary sexual characters in spider crabs. Zoology, 143,
  • TOMAS AL, SGANGA DA, LÓPEZ GRECO LS. 2020. Effect of background colour and shelters on female pigmentation in the ornamental red cherry shrimp Neocaridina davidi (Caridea, Atyidae). Journal of the World Aquaculture Society51(3), 775–787. DOI: 10.1002/JWAS.12660
  • TOMAS AL, SGANGA DA, MARCIANO A, LÓPEZ GRECO LS. 2020. Effect of diets on carotenoid content, body colouration, biochemical composition, and spermatophore quality in the “red cherry” shrimp Neocaridina davidi (Caridea, Atyidae). 1111/anu.13076. Aquaculture Nutrition, 26(4), pp. 1198–1210
  • TOMAS AL, SGANGA DA, BATTISTA A, LÓPEZ GRECO LS. Body coloration, carotenoid content, spermatophore quality, and biochemical parameters by effect of temperature in the caridean shrimp Neocaridina davidi (Atyidae). Acta Zoologica 102 (3). 297-309. 10.1111/azo.12336
  • SGANGA DE, LÓPEZ GRECO LS. Effect of commercial diets on female reproductive performance and offspring quality in the red cherry shrimp Neocaridina davidi (Caridea, Atyidae). Aquaculture Research, 51(12): 5029-5039. DOI: 10.1111/ARE.14841
  • STUMPF L, TIMPANARO S, BATTISTA A, LÓPEZ GRECO LS. Effects of intermittent starvation on  survival, growth, and nutritional status of the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium borellii Nobili, 1896 (Decapoda: Caridea: Palaemonidae). Journal of Crustacean Biology. 40 (5): 489–497.
  • VIAU VE, PEREZ JG, TOMAS AL, FRACAS P, VATNICK I, LÓPEZ GRECO LS. 2020.Breeding and life cycle of the ornamental freshwater shrimp Neocaridina davidi in a biofilm-based culture system. Aquaculture Research- 51 (9): 3847-3864.
  • DORELLE LS, DA CUÑA RH, SGANGA DE, REY VAZQUEZ G, LOPEZ GRECO LS, LO NOSTRO FL. 2020. Fluoxetine exposure disrupts food intake and energy storage in the cichlid fish Cichlasoma dimerus (Teleostei, Cichliformes). Chemosphere. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.124609
  • RAVALLI C, FIRPO C, FLORES N, LÓPEZ GRECO LS. 2020. Efecto modelador de los morfotipos sobre las variables reproductivas en Munida gregaria (Anomura) del Golfo San Jorge. Informe de Investigación Nro. 108 del 28/12/2020, 28 p.


  • TOMAS AL, GARCÍA BENTO MA, MUTTI, LD, ZARA FJ, LÓPEZ GRECO LS. 2019. New insights in the male anatomy, spermatophore formation and sperm structure in Atyidae: the red cherry shrimp Neocaridina davidiInvertebrate Biology. DOI: 10.1111/ivb.12239
  • GARCIA BENTO MA, LÓPEZ GRECO LS, ZARA FJ. 2019. Seminal fluid production and sperm packaging in dromiid crabs (Brachyura, Podotremata). Zoology 132: 19-30 DOI: 10.1016/j.zool.2018.09.001
  • RODRIGUEZ YE, SACRISTÁN HJ, LAITANO MV, LÓPEZ GRECO LS, FERNANDEZ GIMÉNEZ AV. 2019. From Fish Processing Waste to Feed Additives for Crayfish. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society DOI: 10.1111/jwas.12585
  • FERNANDES RODRIGUES ALVES D, LÓPEZ GRECO LS, DE PAIVA BARROS-ALVES S, HIROSE 2019. Sexual system, reproductive cycle and embryonic development of the red-striped shrimp Lysmata vittata, an invader in the western Atlantic Ocean. Plos One. J
  • SGANGA DE, LÓPEZ GRECO LS. 2019. Assessment of potential trade-off between maternal colouration and offspring quality in the ornamental “red cherry” shrimp (Neocaridina davidi (Bouvier)). Aquaculture Research. 50 (6): 1564-1573. DOI 10.1111/are.14032
  • RODRÍGUEZ MM, LÓPEZ GRECO LS, BERTINI G. 2019. First Occurrence of Heteromorph Antennule in the Freshwater Prawn Macrobrachium acanthurus (Wiegmann, 1836) (Decapoda, Caridea). Crustaceana 92: 505-511.
  • FRANÇA N,MORAES AB, CARVALHO-BATISTA A, MELO MB, LÓPEZ GRECO LS, MANTELLATO FLM, FREIRE. F. 2019. Farfantepenaeus subtilis (Pérez-Farfante, 1967) and brasiliensis (Latreille, 1817) (Decapoda, Penaeidae): Ontogenetic comparison using the combined analysis of secondary sexual characters and molecular markers. Fisheries Research 216: 89-95.
  • TROPEA C, LÓPEZ GRECO LS. 2019. Effect of social environment on sexual differentiation in the red cherry shrimp Neocaridina davidi (Decapoda, Caridea). Canadian Journal of Zoology 97, 791-796 (
  • TROPEA C, SGANGA D, LÓPEZ GRECO LS. 2019. Egg production in relation to paternal weight in a freshwater caridean shrimp (Decapoda). Journal of Zoology 309, 50-59. DOI: 10.1111/jzo.12683
  • STUMPF L, SARMIENTO CARDENAS PN, TIMPANARO S, LÓPEZ GRECO LS. 2019. Feasibility of compensatory growth in early juveniles of «red claw» crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus under high density conditions. Aquaculture 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2019.05.053 510: 302-​310.
  • CANOSA I, ZANITTI M, LONNÉ N, MEDESANI D, LÓPEZ GRECO LS, RODRIGUEZ EM. 2019. Imbalances in the male reproductive function of the estuarine crab Neohelice granulata, caused by glyphosate. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
  • PÉREZ-RODRÍGUEZ JC, GÓMEZ-GUTIÉRREZ J, LÓPEZ GRECO LS, CORTÉS-JACINTO E. 2019. Spermatophore production and sperm quality of the river prawn Macrobrachium americanum fed with different diets. Aquaculture Research. 50 (11): 3117-3129. DOI: 1111/are.14265 


  • BARROS-ALVES S, RODRIGUES ALVES DF, ANTUNES M, LÓPEZ GRECO LS, NEGREIROS-FRANSOZO ML. Nutritional vulnerability of zoeal stages of yellowline arrow crab Stenorhynchus seticornis (Brachyura: Majidae). 2018. Marine and Freshwater Research 69(6) 962-970
  • MARCIANO A, TROPEA C, LÓPEZ GRECO LS. 2018. Effect of multiple spawning on female reproductive output and offspring quality in a freshwater caridean shrimp with direct development. Invertebrate Biology. DOI: 10.1111/ivb.12206<br.137(1): 66–77
  • COLPO K, LÓPEZ GRECO LS. 2018. Dynamics of energy reserves and the cost of reproduction in female and male fiddler crabs. doi: 10.1016/j.zool.2018.01.004.
  • SGANGA DE, TROPEA C, VALDORA M, STATTI MF, LÓPEZ GRECO LS. 2018. Large mothers, but not large fathers influence offspring number in a caridean shrimp. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 96 (10) 1106-1113. DOI: 10.1139/cjz-2017-0315
  • ANTUNES M, ZARA F, LÓPEZ GRECO LS, NEGREIROS FRANSOZO ML. 2018. Male reproductive system of the arrow crab Stenorhynchus seticornis (Herbst, 1788) (Inachoididae): sperm packet formation and spermatophores dehiscence. Invertebrate Biology 137 (29): 171-184. DOI: 10.1111/ivb.12118
  • BALIÑA S, TEMPERONI B, LÓPEZ GRECO LS, TROPEA C. 2018. Loosing reproduction: high temperature effect on female physiological state and egg quality in a freshwater shrimp with direct development. The Biological Bulletin 234:3,139-151. DOI: 10.1086/698266
  • Souza TL, Braga AA, López Greco LS, BERTINI G, Nunes ET. Morphological study for understanding the sexual pattern in ghost shrimp Callichirus major (Crustacea: Axiidea). 2018
    Acta Zoologica. En prensa. Agosto 2018). DOI:  10.1111/azo.12272
  • TROPEA C, LAVARIAS S, LÓPEZ GRECO LS. 2018. Getting ready for mating: the importance of male touching as an accelerator of ovarian growth in a caridean shrimp. DOI: 10.1016/j.zool.2018.08.003
  • CALVO NS, STUMPF L, CORTÉS JACINTO E, CASTILLO DÍAZ F, LÓPEZ GRECO LS. 2018. Mobilization of energetic reserves near the point-of-no-return in different size juveniles of the redclaw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus. Aquaculture Nutrition 24 (3): 952-960.
  • Souza TL, Braga AA, López Greco LS, Nunes ET. 2018. Functional morphology of the male reproductive system in Callichirus major (Crustacea:Decapoda:Axiidea): evidence of oocytes in the gonad. Acta Zoologica 99 (1): 32-41.DOI: 10.1111/azo.12189.


  • COLPO KD, LÓPEZ GRECO LS. 2017. Temperature influences on reproduction of fiddler crabs at the southern edge of their distribution. Invertebrate Biology: 136(2): 171–183.
  • CASTILLO DÍAZ F, TROPEA C, STUMPF L, LÓPEZ GRECO LS. 2017. Effect of food restriction on growth and reproductive parameters of the red claw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus (Parastacidae, Decapoda). Aquaculture Research 48, 4228–4237. doi:10. 1111/are.13244
  • González-Pisani X, Barón PJ, López Greco LS. 2017. Integral analysis of sexual maturation through successive instars of Leurocyclus tuberculosus: A proposal of a different model of growth in Majoidea. Canadian Journal of Zoology 95: 473–483 (2017)
  • VAZQUEZ ND, DELEVATI COLPO K, SGANGA DE, LÓPEZ GRECO LS. 2017. Density and gender segregation effects in the culture of the caridean ornamental red cherry shrimp, Neocaridina davidi (Atyidae). Journal of Crustacean Biology 37(4), 367-373. doi:10.1093/jcbiol/rux051.
  • SACRISTÁN HJ, RODRIGUEZ YE, PEREIRA N, LÓPEZ GRECO LS, LOVRICH GA, FERNANDEZ GIMENEZ AV. 2017. Energy reserves mobilization: strategies of three decapod species. PLos One PLoS ONE 12(9): e0184060.
  • Viana da Costa T, Oshiro lmy, Antunes de Mattos l LÓPEZ GRECO LS, Melo ep, DOS REIS FLOR H. 2017. Toxicity tests, freezing methods and cold storage of Macrobrachium acanthurus semen. Boletim do Instituto de pesca 43(3): 334 – 346. Doi: 10.20950/1678-2305.2017v43n3p334.
  • Souza TL, Braga AA, López Greco LS, Nunes ET. 2017. Dynamics of oogenesis in ghost shrimp Callichirus major (Crustacea: Axiidea): a morphofunctional and histochemical study. Acta Histochemica. 119(8):769-777. doi: 10.1016/j.acthis.2017.09.001.
