Biology of Reproduction, Growth and Nutrition of Decapod Crustaceans


Laura      López G Dra. Laura S. López Greco
Investigadora Principal CONICET, IBBEA, CONICET-UBA, Argentina, y Profesora Asociada DBBE, FCEN-UBA /


The Laboratory of Biology of the Reproduction, Growth and Nutrition of Decapod Crustaceans, deals with the study of reproduction, growth, and nutrition, and their modulators in decapod crustacean species of current and potential interest for ornamental aquaculture and human consumption. Likewise, issues concerning species of fishing relevance, are developed in collaboration with other national institutions. Concurrently with the practical aspects of the study of these groups of animals, theoretical research is conducted as well, with the purpose of enhancing the knowledge on the reproductive strategies through a morphofunctional point of view and its evolutionary context. The studied groups encompass marine, estuarine and fresh water crabs, crayfish, and penaeid, stenopodidean, and marine and freshwater caridean shrimp. The research group has solid cooperation ties with other crustacean research groups in Argentina, as well as abroad (Brazil, Chile, México and New Zeland among others).

Foto del Grupo


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