
  • Cavallino L, Dramis A, Pedreira ME, Pandolfi M (2020) Effect of previous fighting on the dynamic of agonistic encounters in zebrafish males. Animal Cognition, 23(5), 999-1006.
  • Cavallino L, Valchi P, Morandini L, Pandolfi M (2019) Modulation of behavior in zebrafish, Danio rerio, according to female reproductive status and visual and chemical cues. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology, 52(1), 53-66.
  • Czuchlej SC, Volonteri MC, Scaia MF, Ceballos NR (2020) Characterization of StAR protein of Rhinella arenarum (Amphibia, Anura). Gen Comp Endocrinol. 295 :113535. doi : 10.1016/j.ygcen.2020.113535.
  • Distler MJ, Jungblut LD, Ceballos NR, Paz DA, Pozzi AG (2016) Overcrowding-mediated stress alters cell proliferation in neuroendocrine key areas during larval development in Rhinella arenarum. J Exp Zool a Ecol Genet Physiol, 325(2):149-57. doi: 10.1002/jez.2005.
  • Frontera JL, Raices M, Cervino AS, Pozzi AG, Paz DA (2016) Neural regeneration dynamics of Xenopus laevis olfactory epithelium after zinc sulfate-induced damage. J Chem Neuroanat 77:1-9.
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  • Honji R, Cannepele D, Pandolfi M, Lo Nostro F, Guimaraes M (2018) Characterization of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone system in the Neotropical teleost, Steindachneridion parahybae during the annual reproductive cycle in captivity. General and Comparative Endocrinology.
  • Jungblut LD, Reiss JO, Paz, DA, Pozzi AG (2017) Quantitative comparative analysis of the nasal chemosensory organs of anurans during larval development and metamorphosis highlights the relative importance of chemosensory subsystems in the group. J Morphol, 1-12, DOI: 10.1002/jmor.20705.7
  • Jungblut LD, Reiss JO, Pozzi AG (2021). Olfactory subsystems in the peripheral olfactory organ of anuran amphibians. Cell and Tissue Research, 1-11.
  • Keller AM, Khalaj K, Martin JH, Scaia MF, Wilson RL (2017). Flourishing follicles: Overview of ovarioles. Molecular Reproduction and Development. 1040-452X.
  • Morandini L, Ramallo MR, Scaia MF, Pandolfi M (2019) Dietary L-tryptophan modulates agonistic behavior and brain serotonin in male dyadic contests of a cichlid fish. J Comp Physiol A. 205:867–880.
  • Petroselli G, Raices M, Jungblut LD, Pozzi AG. Erra‐Balsells R (2018) MALDI‐MS argininyl bufadienolide esters fingerprint from parotoid gland secretions of Rhinella arenarum: age, gender and seasonal variation. J Mass Spectrometry, 53:465-475.
  • Pintos S, Rincon L, Pandolfi M, Pozzi AG (2020). Morphology and immunohistochemistry of the olfactory organ in the bloodfin tetra, Aphyocharax anisitsi (Ostariophysi: Characidae). Journal of Morphology.
  • Raíces M, Jungblut LD, Pozzi AG (2020) Evidence of the peptide identity of the epidermal alarm cue in Rhinella arenarum tadpoles. Herpetol J 30(4)230-233.
  • Ramallo M, Honji R, Birba A, Morandini L, Genovese G, Guimaraes M, Somoza G, Pandolfi M (2017). A game of two? Gene expression analysis of brain (cyp19a1b) and gonadal (cyp19a1a) aromatase in females of a Neotropical cichlid fish through the parental care period and removal of the offspring. General and Comparative Endocrinology; 252; 119-129.
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  • Rincón L, Cavallino L, Alonso F, Lo Nostro F, Pandolfi M. (2016). Morfometría y Topología del Cerebro del Pez Tetra Cola Roja, Aphyocharax anisitsi (Characiformes: Characidae). Revista de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero, Nº29: 15-32.
  • Rincón L, Morandini L, Birba A, Cavallino L, Lo Nostro F, Pandolfi M. (2016). The pineal complex two fish Characiformes: A comparison morphological and immunohistochemical between a tropical (Paracheirodon axelrodi) and subtropical (Aphyocharax anisitsi) species. Journal of Morphology, 277: 1355–1367
  • Rincón L, Obando M, Tovar O, Pandolfi M, Hernán Hurtado Giraldo. (2017). Topological and Histological Description of the Hypothalamus and Preoptic Area of Neon Cardinal Paracheirodon axelrodi (Characiformes: Characidae). Neotropical Ichthyology, 15(1): e160145.
  • Rincón L, Pozzi AG, de Freitas E, Shimizu A, Pandolfi M (2020) Morphological and immunohistochemical comparison of the pituitary gland between a tropical (Paracheirodon axelrodi) and a subtropical (Aphyocharax anisitsi) characid species. Neotropical Ichthyology, 18(1): e190092.
  • Scaia MF, Cavallino L, Pandolfi M (2020) Social control of spermatogenesis and steroidogenesis in cichlid fish: a comparative approach. In Press.   159(1) : R31-R43. doi :10.1530/REP-18-0650.
  • Scaia MF, Czuchlej CS, Cervino N, Ceballos NR (2016) Apoptosis, proliferation and presence of estradiol receptors in the testes and Bidder’s organ of the toad R. arenarum. Journal of Morphology. 277:412–423.
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  • Scaia MF, Morandini L, Noguera C, Trudeau VL, Somoza GM, Pandolfi M (2018) Can estrogens be considered as key elements of the challenge hypothesis? The case of intrasexual aggression in a cichlid fish. Physiol Behav. 194 :481–490.
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  • Scaia MF, Volonteri MC, Czuchlej SC, Ceballos NR (2019) Estradiol and reproduction in the South American toad arenarum. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 273 : 20–31.
  • Silva A, Pandolfi M (2018) Vasotocinergic control of agonistic behavior told by Neotropical fishes. General and Comparative Endocrinology; Lugar: Amsterdam.
  • Weiss L, Jungblut LD, Pozzi AG, Zielinski BS, O’Connell LA, Hassenklöver T, Manzini I (2020). Multiglomerular projection of single olfactory receptor neurons is conserved among amphibians. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 528(13), 2239-2253.
  • Weiss, L., Jungblut, L. D., Pozzi, A. G., O’Connell, L. A., Hassenklöver, T., & Manzini, I. (2020). Conservation of glomerular organization in the main olfactory bulb of anuran larvae. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy,14 ;1-8.