Biopolymers for Feed Applications in Aquaculture
Por la Dra. Marina Paolucci
Department of Science and Technologies, University of Sannio, Institute of Food Sciences-CNR, Italy;
Aquaculture is a flourishing industry sector, growing at a high pace each year. It is estimated that the protein content of the human diet in poor countries comes entirely from aquaculture. However, aquaculture is an activity with a high environmental impact. To meet the increasing demand of aquatic products for human consumption, intensive aquaculture practice becomes necessary. However, intensive aquaculture causes great stress in the species raised as a result of the high density and poor quality of the water. Thus, the research is always on the look out for new environmentally friendly solutions. The use of natural substances, biodegradable and sustainable, to solve or relive some of the criticities, becomes mandatory. In this respect, biopolymers are good candidates and in this presentation, I will introduce some properties and applications of polysaccharides and polyphenols.
Viernes 26 de Julio a las 11hs.
Aula Burkart, 4to piso
FCEN, UBA – Pab II, Ciudad Universitaria
Entrada libre; no se requiere inscripción previa.